Marketing to Your Niche Market

"A marketing strategy determines the choice of target market segment (niche), positioning, marketing mix (promo, advertising...) and allocation of ressources (people and $)."
When you know who are you are marketing to it's easy to determine where your marketing energy and dollars should be spent.
1) To satisfy basic needs.
2) To solve problems.
3) To make themselves feel good.
What is your product or service the solution to? This is called "positioning", determining how your products mostly appeal to your targeted customers (your products or services can fit into more than one category).
Now be prepared to market accordingly. The list bellow will help you to define your niche market if you're still struggling with that concept, give you ideas to target a more specific audience or choose a different angle to work from:
. Age: children, teens, young, middle, elderly
. Gender: male, female
. Education: high school, college, university
. Income: low, medium, high
. Marital status: single, married, divorced
. Ethnic and/or religious background
. Family life cycle: newly married, married for 10 – 20 years, with or without children. .
. Lifestyle: conservative, exciting, trendy, economical
. Social class: lower, middle, upper
. Opinion: easily led or opinionated
. Activities and interests: sports, physical fitness, shopping, books
. Attitudes and beliefs: environmentalist, security conscious.
Focus on Helping, Instead of Selling
Focus on Benefits, Instead of Features
Be Persistent
Increase your Credibility
Make it Easy for People to do Business with You
Advertise and Promote
I truly hope this will help you get your business where you want it at:) Please, feel free to share your own tips or strategies that brought good results!
Have a wonderful week,
Patricia Wood
This is a great article. Thanks so much.