Two-For-Tuesday: Earrings Holders and Home Presentations

Talking earrings display today. And because it is "Two for Tuesday", I'll share 2 tips today!

1- How to make you own Earrings Holders

Earrings holders can be expensive. And boring. Not to mention not very often eco-friendly. So here's how to make them yourself: you'll save money and get a great marketing tool as well.

All you need is a blank business cards sheet. Place your Avatar and the link to your shop in the bottom half of "face 1" and your banner at the very top or down of "face 2". Print and use a needle to make holes and place your earrings.

Voilà! Easy, professional and inexpensive:)

2- Earrings Cards Holders for Home Presentations

My second tip relates to home presentations. I usually don't like to bring my bigger earrings display stands and prefer to keep it simple when meeting with a few people. So to hold my earrings I started using... Scrabble letters holders! They work just great with the business/earrings cards, are light, take little place and can be placed at different heights if you wish to.
Creativity and imagination always go a long way:)
Have a wonderful day!


  1. Hi Patricia-
    I loved the earring card Scrabble repurpose! Great idea! I get my earring cards from VistaPrint, dirt cheap and professional. You can read a link about it here:
    Enjoy the day!
    P.S. I love your necklace design at ABS! Congrats!

  2. Scrabble tile holders - what a super idea! Thanks for sharing Patricia.


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